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tamoadmin 2024-08-21








许多优秀的外线球员在20世纪80年代及90年代都曾获得过此项荣誉,包括迈克尔-乔丹,加里-佩顿。但最近的几年,这个奖项却更倾向于那些防守出色的大个子球员,如穆托姆博 ,莫宁,本-华莱士,马库斯-坎比等。



LEBRON JAMES:KOBE是现役球员我最喜欢以及最欣赏的球员。




小牛队老板库班这几天参加了FSN的interview,当主持人Chris Myers 问到他谁是联盟里最好的球员时,库班说:“最好的球员...科比。当他不想被人阻止的时候,没人能阻止他。”("Best player...Kobe. When he doesn’t want to be stopped, you can’t stop him." )





PHIL JAKSON曾今评价26岁的KOBE:26岁的KOBE毫无疑问在26岁的JORDAN之上(大家别拍我),在他执教生涯中,他只遇到过两个天才,一个是JORDAN,另一个则是KOBE。

各界人士对科比81分的评论:"How many minutes did he play, 42? If he had an overtime game, maybe (100 would be possible)," New Jersey guard Jason Kidd said




You hate to be on the negative side of history, but you've got to give credit where credit is due," Toronto's Jalen Rose said. "It's going to be talked about, viewed, analyzed, overanalyzed for a long time. Unfortunately, we're going to be on the wrong side of the analysis."

Coach Rick Carlisle, whose Indiana team got torched by Bryant not so long ago, said, "I don't feel so bad about the 45 he got on us now."


Said Bird, Celtics legend turned Pacers president: "That's wild, that is really wild. It would be hard to believe if you didn't know it was true."


And Mike Montgomery's Golden State team, which is next in Bryant's crosshairs Friday: "I wish we had King Kong (to guard him). Anything we can do, we'll do."


"It was quite an exhibition," Winter said. "It's what the fans love. I don't think you can win a championship playing that way and so, consequently, I would be concerned about that. But it was a great victory and I don't want to take anything away from Kobe because it was one of the greatest I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of exhibitions."


"He's going to get 100-plus any day now," Bill Walton said, adding, "particularly if they keep playing Toronto."

"Forget the level of skill to get to that point, the level of physical fitness to keep going like that, to be in such a zone, is just unreal," the Hall of Fame center and NBA analyst said from his home in San Diego.

"It was like a game down at the rec center during the summer. That's what he turned it into. And he made everybody else look like a junior high school player."


"I don't know if anyone could he stopped him last night," West said by telephone. "It's so senseless to me to say he shouldn't take over like that. You give the same amount of shots to everybody else and they're not making that many, I know it."

"Players are jealous of greatness," West added. "Kobe is a unique talent and a unique person. His belief that he can jump to the moon is never going to change. But I admire him, what he's been able to overcome. You would think he would be a fair-haired man of the NBA with what's he's already done. But he's taken a fairly good battering."





Bulls Great Scottie Pippen:

"It's superb, definitely. Something that is new to me, that is shocking. I got the news last night about 3 in the morning, and I don't think I even went back to bed."



Cs Guard, Eric Snow:

"Hats off, he's the best. It's hard to get 50 in a game. He did it in a half. It takes a tough player who works really hard. I think he's one of the best ever."




"For Kobe Bryant to do this as a guard, it is a testimony to his athletic ability, incredible endurance."


"I think it is an awesome feat what Kobe did the other night, and I tip my hat to him. The one word that comes to mind when I think about what he accomplished is SPECIAL."


"Kobe brought his team back from a big deficit to win the game, so you like to see that. That means quite a bit more than getting points with no competition."


"That was a great game. It surprises you, but the guy was hitting shot after shot."


"It's impressive,. He's probably playing the best basketball of anyone in the NBA right now. When you’re taking jump shots, you’re going to get more tired. Wilt got all layups. With the athletes that are in the game today, no, it wouldn’t hen. You would he to put more minutes on the clock. Well, maybe Kobe could do it. If he shot every time down the floor.”


What was lost in all of that was that he got it going when they were down by 18 points. The other amazing part was that he didn’t get tired at the end.”


"To compare it to anybody would be useless. He set himself apart from everyone else. Everyone looks for another Michael Jordan, and there probably won't be one. What Kobe did was establish himself as one of the greatest scorers of all time at an early age. He's a phenom. I'm a believer, man. Now we've got to sit back and wait and see if anyone scores 82."


That should put all the questions to rest who's the most talented and who's the, you know, best offensive player in the league. You know if he would've had a decent first half, he might've got 100 points last night. I mean if anybody can go out there and score 25 points a quarter I would definetly say it's Kobe."


"We're witnessing greatness right now. We need to understand that. (asked: "Is he the best of the best?") Yeah, definetly."


"Is that for real? You know. That's what people will probably go around saying today. Did he really he 81 points? Is that possible?"


"Scoring 81 points is a truly amazing accomplishment. Of course, the most important thing is that his effort contributed to a victory for his team."


"It's amazing. Beyond amazing. He's on another level from any other player at this point. It's like he is toying with teams. If you push up on him, he just takes two steps back and shoots from further out. I hope the NBA adjusts its TV schedule so we all can see him play more. It would be fun to watch and fun to debate how far a one-man show can drag four other players in a team sport."

库班:It's amazing. Beyond amazing。他比联盟中任何一位球员爬上更高一个境界。看起来他似乎把球队当玩具来玩。如果你刺激了他,他就会变本加厉地还以颜色,投进一个更远的球。我希望NBA能调整电视转播,这样我们才有机会看到他更多比赛。去观察并争论凭一人之力能把另外四个带到到远,真的是一件很有趣的事,在这样的一种团体运动中。

"How many times did he get to the line? You'd think the Super Bowl would lead 'SportsCenter' tonight. But you know it won't. It can't. Kobe will. He has to."


Atlanta Hawks Radio Analyst, Dennis Scott:

"The most points I ever scored was 65 in the Urban Coalition summer league in D.C.. I had something like 16 3-pointers, and I'm telling you, I was dead tired when it was over. I saw the highlights of Kobe, and he looked like he could he played another game."

老鹰队广播评论员、前魔术队明星Dennis Scott说:我自己得过的最高分是65分,那是在华盛顿的一个夏季联赛中。我那时似乎投进了16个三分球,我告诉你,当比赛结束的时候,我真的累得要死。我看了科比今天的片段,他居然看起来能继续再打一场!

"It's not just a buzz about Kobe, it's a holler. That guy is incredible. That's why he's the best player in the league."


"I guess they say records are made to be broken. You wouldn't think it could be done, but if anybody could I guess it would be Kobe. It's just incredible. There's not much really you can say. Wow."


"Forget about 81 points. To be able to get up that many shots and still play defense at the other end of the floor, that's a pretty incredible physical accomplishment."


Hornets Guard Kirk Snyder:

"I heard about it after I had finished hanging out with Did West, and he called me and said that Kobe had scored 81. My first thought was is that I'm in the NBA with probably one of the best players ever to play in the NBA."


"The first thing that came to my mind when I heard about what Kobe did was the amount of shots he go. If anybody's going to score, it's Kobe. He can take as many shots as he wants, and nobody says nothing. Of course when you take 46 shots you are going to score, but he's good enough to make more than half of them. He's good enough to take good shots, and he just had one of those nights."

黄蜂扣篮小子JR SMITH说,当他听到这个消息后,第一个跑进他脑中的就是科比的投篮次数。如果真的有人能投这么多次,那只能是科比。他想投多少就能投多少,没人敢有意见。当然,当你投46次篮时,你也能得分,但他太优秀了,投进了过半的球。


夏季联赛不是科比这种人打的,夏季联赛一般各队的主力球员和主要替补都不会参加,他们会抓紧一切时间进行休整。 而球队的边缘人物为了不被裁掉他们有的也会参加夏季联赛。参加夏季联赛的球员主要分为三种,一是各支球队的边缘球员,二是一些想要进入联盟的自由球员,三是那些新秀。 这些人的目标只有一个,就是为了利用夏季联赛赢得信任,争取在下个赛季能够有好的表现。





脑洞:1996年科比选择杜克大学而不是跑步怎么办?路过的名校杜克,对于不熟悉NCAA历史的新球迷来说,这两个词大概是一个著名篮球学校的典型概念,而事实是一样的:在NCAA历史上,杜克已经获得了5次NCAA冠军(仅次于UCLA、肯塔基州和北卡罗来纳)、11次总决赛(历史第三)、16次总决赛(仍然仅次于上述三所学校),在美国排名最高。杜克很优秀,很厉害,但是大多数人想象不到的是,在科比选秀之前的1996年,杜克其实只是一个NCAA的暴发户。在1980年之前,杜克在than 70多年的团队历史中只是一个小角色。很多时候都是在小区直接淘汰,很少进全国冠军。球队历史上进入NBA的只有15个人,而且大部分都是跑龙套的。